2012年7月4日 星期三



Dear Mary, I want to invest your foundation for first one year, to improve your facilities for your new venture, but I need you to provide your financial plan before the venture capital start.

My fund will be divided into two parts, the amount depends on your plan of how to use it. One part is focusing on providing the basic needs for malnutrition kids, (for example the food & physical therapeutic facilities) and this part is the donation. The other part is your social venture capital, the profitable recruitment program for volunteer. Including the administration & marketing costs, computer and other related facilities costs etc… This part should be refund in followings years, but I will cover the initial investment cost.

For now you should think about what is your financial program for the following year, provide the plan to me and I will start the investment in September. The first part, donation fund for basic need of malnutrition kids, you should provide me the plan which specifies the fund usage. (ex: food costs, nutrition costs etc…)

The second part, social venture capital, you should provide me the prospect financial plan of the year. For example: 1. What you the initial investment (What do you want to buy in the beginning?) (fixed cost) (ex: computer, printer), 2. What is the monthly administration & marketing expense (flexible cost) for the program (ex: administration room rent, internet costs, print costs, marketing costs etc…) 3. What is the prospect revenue-expense of the volunteer program (ex: revenue: charge for the volunteer program/ expense: Accommodation exp. Administration exp. Food exp. Community program exp. Etc…) 4. How many months the funding is predicted to be refund? (eg. 3 years program / 5 years program etc…)

*Be creative of your entrepreneurship!

Don’t be worried, take your time thinking about your plan of using the venture capital, what program you want to do in the following year. After you provide the financial plan to me, I will discuss the plan with you and start to invest your foundation. Feel free to talk with me at any time.

I believe this will be first and the best venture investment I have done.
Look forward to your response.

All the Best

我想要開啓我人生第一個NGO事業,當Bailleur de Fond,(媽對不起你的不孝兒子還不會賺錢就先懂得怎麼在非洲花錢)。我想要資助這個NGO,分成贈與與借貸這兩種模式,贈與部份將提供給營養不良的兒童基本援助、而借貸部份要營運一個社會企業,讓國外志工來到這裡體驗一個最棒的志工計畫、包含Home stay, culture experience & community visit


希望這個投資計畫能幫助到營養不足的小孩,有雄心壯志但確沒有錢的創業家、以及尋求文化體驗的志工,並增加我未來進入國際組織的機會。如果未來進入國際組織,拿取人人稱羨的high pay,我才不要像死UN的人在發展中國家開Benz進出。我想要趁外派時開啓我自己的事業,把薪水拿去投資social venture capital,選擇自己想要投資的對象,並且當他們的顧問,一方面向國際組織學習管理經驗、另一方面將經驗傳承下去、開啓越來越多的社會企業。這就是我的人生。


