2019年9月30日 星期一

West african coast dream after 2020

West coast dream after 2020

Since there are many African countries that we didn't have time to travel to.

Let's make a dream for what we can do after 2020 when contract is finished.

Ship all the luggage back home, then start to travel west African coast

West Central Africa: Luanda (PT) to Sao Tome (PT) to Malabo (SP) to Douala(FR) to Libreville (FR)

Then West coast: Cotonou (FR), Lagos (EN), Lome (FR), Accra (EN), Abidjan (FR)

Challenging west Jungle: Monrovia (EN) -Freetown (EN) -Conakry (FR) -Bissau (PT) -Dakar (FR)

From West Africa to Brazil: Dakar (FR) -Cape Verde (PT)- El Salvador (Brazil)

Country Route Transport Cost estimate  Stays cost €
Angola ADD-LAD Flight 400
5 250
Sao Tome LAD-TMS Flight 240
5 250
EG TMS-SSG Flight 150
5 250
Cameroon SSG-DLA Boat 50
2 100
Gabon DLA-LBV Flight 150
10 500
Benin LBV-COO Flight 200
3 150
Nigeria COO-Lagos Bus 50
3 150
Togo Cotonou-Lome Bus 20
2 100
Ghana Lome-Accra Bus 20
5 250
Cote D'ivoire Accra-Abidjan Flight 150
5 250
Liberia ABJ-ROB Flight 200
3 150
SR ROB-FNA Flight 200
4 200
Guinea FNA-CKY Flight/Bus 220
5 250
GB CKY-Bissau Bus/Flight 200
6 300
Senegal OXB-ZIG Bus 20
3 150
ZIG-DSS Flight/Boat 100
4 200
Cape verde DSS-SID 200
10 500
Brazil SID-SSA Flight 150
2720 80 4000
two persons 5440
Total 9440

